Johnny Depp

American actor. Over the years, Johnny Depp went through several periods when he ate vegan for various reasons – for his health, in preparation for acting roles or perhaps at the request of his (now ex-) girlfriend.

Johnny Depp is said to have changed his diet significantly for the first time in 2011, when he was preparing for the role of a vampire in Dark Shadows. Two years later, he also eliminated other animal products. According to PETA, Depp decided to make a lifestyle change for his 50th birthday.

Johnny Depp has great respect and love for animals. He sponsored several centers dedicated to animal care and called on his fans several times to take part in ending violence against not only farm animals.

Snoop Dogg

American rapper, producer, entrepreneur and actor. Snoop Dogg has become the face of several Beyond Meat campaigns, attracting the attention of people who would not

Matthew Kenney

American chef, entrepreneur and educator specializing in plant-based cuisine. Matthew Kenney is the author of twelve cookbooks, the founder of dozens of plant-based restaurants, and

Dawn Richard

American singer also known as D∆WN. She has been vegan since 2013. She has appeared in PETA advertising campaigns promoting a vegan lifestyle and protesting