Maggie Q

American actress and model. More than twenty years ago, she removed animal ingredients from her diet for ethical reasons. She was aware of the effects of animal agriculture on the environment and refused to continue participating in the cruelty of farm animals. Maggie Q doesn’t like being called a vegan, which she says people often judge her for. For several years, she has been eating only plant-based food and publicly defends animal rights in order to convince as many people as possible. In 2008, she was named PETA’s Person of the Year for Asia and the Pacific. She uses her Instagram profile to promote non-profit organizations that fight for animal rights such as PETA, Best Friends Animal Society, WildAid and others. In an interview with VegNews, Maggie Q said that her family also tries to eat plant-based, her parents primarily for health reasons and her sisters stopped eating meat for ethical reasons. Maggie Q’s beliefs are rooted in compassion.

Snoop Dogg

American rapper, producer, entrepreneur and actor. Snoop Dogg has become the face of several Beyond Meat campaigns, attracting the attention of people who would not

Matthew Kenney

American chef, entrepreneur and educator specializing in plant-based cuisine. Matthew Kenney is the author of twelve cookbooks, the founder of dozens of plant-based restaurants, and

Dawn Richard

American singer also known as D∆WN. She has been vegan since 2013. She has appeared in PETA advertising campaigns promoting a vegan lifestyle and protesting