Ellen Pompeo

American actress best known for her role as Meredith Gray in the American series Grey’s Anatomy. After completing her annual check-up with her doctor, she was recommended a vegan diet as an effective breast cancer prevention tool. Ellen Pompeo and her family eliminated animal products from their diet and started eating plant-based. In an interview with People magazine, the actress said that it’s fun for her whole family to explore plant-based alternatives available on the market, and she’s also supported a number of organizations fighting for better animal welfare and environmental change. For example, he cooperates with the Elle DeGenerous Wildlife Fund organization, which strives to protect wildlife, or with the PETA organization. Ellen Pompeo also supports products with a sustainable purpose.

Snoop Dogg

American rapper, producer, entrepreneur and actor. Snoop Dogg has become the face of several Beyond Meat campaigns, attracting the attention of people who would not

Matthew Kenney

American chef, entrepreneur and educator specializing in plant-based cuisine. Matthew Kenney is the author of twelve cookbooks, the founder of dozens of plant-based restaurants, and

Dawn Richard

American singer also known as D∆WN. She has been vegan since 2013. She has appeared in PETA advertising campaigns promoting a vegan lifestyle and protesting