Gordon Ramsay

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay recently posted a recipe for plant-based bacon on his Tik Tok profile, which he continues to use to make a sandwich, also completely plant-based. At the end of the posted video, Ramsay announces that he is going vegan for lunch. Chef Gordon Ramsay has been one of the biggest critics of plant-based eating in the last few years. He often joked about vegans, once even declaring that he was allergic to them. Three years ago, however, he added plant-based alternatives to the menu at one of his restaurants. After receiving positive feedback from fans, he decided to continue his education in plant-based gastronomy. A year later, he also introduced an annual Veganuary challenge at his restaurant, creating a plant-based version of his famous Beef Wellington dish. Ramsay recently became an ambassador for Silk’s new oat milk campaign. The campaign is called G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time) and the famous chef proudly supports it on his social networks, where he also stated that he is increasingly enjoying preparing plant-based meals at home and in his restaurants.

Snoop Dogg

American rapper, producer, entrepreneur and actor. Snoop Dogg has become the face of several Beyond Meat campaigns, attracting the attention of people who would not

Matthew Kenney

American chef, entrepreneur and educator specializing in plant-based cuisine. Matthew Kenney is the author of twelve cookbooks, the founder of dozens of plant-based restaurants, and

Dawn Richard

American singer also known as D∆WN. She has been vegan since 2013. She has appeared in PETA advertising campaigns promoting a vegan lifestyle and protesting